The Imperial College of Kaisa

From Beyond the Frontier
The Imperial College of Kaisa
Also Known As: Kaisa Technical Institute
Location: Kaisa, Dracar, Tensa System
Purpose: College
Activated: 2273 CE / 2292 CE
Deactivated: 2274 CE
Controlled By: Empire of Tensa

The Imperial College of Tensa was initially established as the Kaisa Technical Institute.


The Kaisa Technical Institute was established in 2273 CE, to see to the educational needs of the population of Kaisa and the surrounding settlements and colonies. Initially established on the initiative of a single, anonymous, benefactor, the Technical Institute would only last a single year before it's doors were shuttered at the start of the Tensan Reformation (2274 CE - 2291 CE). It would remain shuttered for the duration of the war, though it would find itself pressed into use as military barracks briefly in the early years of the war, before being bombed. Rebuilt by royal family, under the behest of the Emperor, it would find itself reopening in 2292 CE.