Followers of the Machine

From Beyond the Frontier

The Followers of the Machine are a religious sect that worships technology, and believes that through technology mankind can be perfected.


Although the Followers of the Machine find their roots in the transhumanist movement of the early twentieth century century, which only gained strength in the mid-twenty-first century with the introduction of cybernetic implants, the group did not formally become a recognized movement until the advent of true artificial intelligences, which occurred in 2147 CE. Within months of the creation of a true AI, the Followers of the Machine began becoming distinct parts of several marches and protests demanding proper treatment of AI within not only The Initiative but other parts of human space.

Over time, the movements strongest followings would form both within the more technologically-minded Initiative, as well as the more technologically-limited Free World of Ashael, the latter of which AIs came to viewed akin to deities.


Children of the Machine

The Children of the Machine believe in the coming of an AI who could eventually govern the human race, under a single, and impartial system, which would lead to a permanent peace. Some subsects of the Children of the Machine believe that with enough development, man and machine could be merged, creating a peaceful quasi-hivemind.