RECV Robert Heinlein

From Beyond the Frontier
RECV Robert Heinlein (PS-01)
Technical Specifications
Ship Class: Imager-class Prowler
Hull Number: PS-01
Faction: The Initiative
Status: Active
In Service: 2050 CE - Present
Assignment Details
Assignment: Scout Craft
Task Force: Ranger Exploration Corps
Homeport: Sanctuary, Arc System
Ship Crew Information
Crew Complement: 20 Officers and Crew
Type: Non-Player Controlled
The RECV Robert Heinlein (PS-01) was one of the first Imager-class prowlers ever constructed after the prototype.


The RECV Robert Heinlein (PS-01) was laid down in The Hive, on Sanctuary, a decade and a half after the end of the War of Secession. The Heinlein was the first prowler built for the Ranger Exploration Corps after the prototype. The Heinlein was responsible for scouting several now colonized systems, including the Aradesh System, and the Mithus System.


The RECV Robert Heinlein (PS-01) is named for Robert A. Heinlein (July 7, 1907 CE - May 8, 1988 CE). Heinlein was a noted and sometimes controversial science fiction writer, known for his sometimes unusual ideologies. Parts of his works formed the basis for The Initiative's military and governmental structure, particularly drawing from his 1959 CE novel "Starship Troopers".

Basic Specifications

Main article: Imager-class Prowler


  • Length:70 Meters
  • Width: 16 Meters
  • Height: 12 Meters (Average)

Crew Compliment

  • Minimum: One (Limited Functionality)
  • Standard: ~12 - ~20
  • Maximum: 30


  • Sublight: Electrodeless Plasma Thruster

Power Plant

  • Primary: Antimatter Reactor
  • Secondary: Solar Panel Arrays

Hull Composition

  • Hull: Titanium Alloy
  • Armor Plating: .5 Meter thick Case-hardened Steel, Titanium, & Ceramic Composite Plates over a .5 meter thick synthetic diamond sheath

Sensor System

  • Target: Unknown

Defensive Systems

  • Nanitic & Composite Armor
    • Capable of limited self repair via nanites
  • Dual Shield Generators
    • One Primary, One Backup
  • Close in Weapons System
  • Directed EMP Generator (Designed to disable missiles & incoming craft)
  • Ghost Signature Generator


  • (12) 6-inch Dual-Barreled Coiilguns
  • (2) Torpedo Launchers
    • Capable of launching NBC warheads
  • (2) Grappling Hook Launchers
  • (1) Minelayer
  • Electronic Warfare Suite

Auxiliary Craft

Other Systems