SFCV Dinavar

From Beyond the Frontier
SFCV Dinavar (D13)
Technical Specifications
Ship Class: Striker-class Destroyer
Hull Number: D13
Faction: The Initiative
Status: Active
In Service: 2023 CE - 2153 CE
2503 CE - Present
Assignment Details
Assignment: Heart of Winter Investigative Expedition
Task Force: Central Command
Homeport: Aradesh System
Ship Crew Information
Crew Complement: 50 Officers and Crew
Type: Non-Player Controlled
The SFCV Dinavar (D13) is a Striker-class destroyer that was launched in 2023 CE, during the War of Secession. It was mothballed in 2153 CE, and was briefly reactivated in the 2200s, before returning to duty in 2503 CE.


The SFCV Dinavar (D13) was laid down at The Hive on Sanctuary in 2022 CE. It would be commissioned in 2023 CE, immediately joining the Fleet. It served throughout the first eight years of the war as an escort, helping destroy numerous attacks on the Fleet. However, in 2031 CE, it was involved in the Fall of Earth, where it took severe damage to its systems, and required an overhaul at the fleet shipyards back on Sanctuary. It returned to the Arc System, and was promptly, unofficially, mothballed until after the end of the war. It would return to active service several years later, when it was finally repaired. After that, the Dinavar served until 2153 CE, when it was officially mothballed again. However, when the Sovereign Colonies Conflict began, the Dinavar was reactivated to serve as an escort for the slower troop transports.

It served with distinction during the Sovereign Colonies Conflict, but its age was starting to show as it suffered difficulties with the newer CAMFA vessels. It was decommissioned, and picked as one of several vessels to be mothballed against future need. It joined the other vessels in the Aradesh Deep Space Storage Depot, in the Aradesh System, in 2153 CE.


The SFCV Dinavar (D13) was named for a destroyed city on Earth, Dinavar (Persian: دینور‎‎) was a major city in the 8th-11th centuries, located to the northeast of Kermanshah in western Iran.

Basic Specifications

Main article: Striker-class Destroyer


  • Length: 115 Meters
  • Beam: 14 Meters
  • Draft: 10 Meters
  • Decks: 3

Crew Complement

  • Minimum: 15 (War Era) / 5 (Post-War Refits)
  • Standard: 100 (War Era) / 70 (Post-War Refits)
  • Maximum: 200


  • Sublight: Electrodeless Plasma Thruster

Power Plant

  • Primary: Antimatter Reactor (Post-war era refits)
  • Primary: Nuclear Reactor (War-era)
  • Secondary: Photo-voltaic Cells

Hull Composition

  • Hull: Titanium Alloy
  • Armor Plating: 1.25 meter Case-hardened Steel, Titanium, & Ceramic Composite Plates over a .50 meter thick synthetic diamond sheath (Post-war retrofits)
  • Armor Plating: Synthetic composites, case-hardened steel, ceramic plates (War era)

Sensor System

  • Sensor: LIDAR (War Era)

Defensive Systems

  • Reactive & Composite Armor
  • Shield Generator (Post-war Refit)
  • Close in Weapons System


  • War Era
    • (8) 6-inch Coilguns
    • (2) Torpedo Launchers
    • (2) Grappling Cannons
  • Post-War Refits
    • (8) 8-inch Coilguns
    • (2) Torpedo Launchers
    • (2) Grappling Cannons

Auxiliary Craft

Other Systems

  • Stasis Pod (Post-War Era)
  • Artificial Gravity (Post-War Era)

Deck Listing

  • Deck 01: Bridge, Communications Center, Captain's Quarters, Coilgun Magazine & Battery, Grappling Cannon
  • Deck 02: Torpedo Magazine, Crew Quarters, Mess Hall, Medical Bay, Shuttle Hangars, Power Core, Engine Compartment
  • Deck 03: Coilgun Magazine & Battery, Storage, Water Reclamation, Grappling Cannon


Rather than the eight 8-inch (20CM) coilguns of the Striker-class destroyers, the Dinavar was fitted with 10-inch (25.4CM) coilguns normally outfitted to Warrior-class destroyers. Furthermore, because of advances in technology in the intervening years since the vessel was decommissioned, the Dinavar's standard crew numbers only fifty, not including the expedition.

Crew Listing

Rank Name Position
Commander Justin Ayo
Space Forces Command
Commanding Officer, SFCV Dinavar (D13)
Lieutenant Kota Jacobs
Ground Forces Command
Landing Team
Sergeant Devin Johnson
Ground Forces Command
Landing Team
Corporal Shino-Elena Wolf
Ground Forces Command
Landing Team
Private Second Class Matteus Rice
Space Forces Command (Spaceborne Infantry)
Marine Contigent, SFCV Dinavar (D13)
Cassius Rean
Landing Team